
Concierge Privacy


Thriving Families is legally and ethically required to maintain the confidentiality of all our clients under law, and we take that mandate seriously. We realize, however, that many of our concierge clients appropriately desire an elevated level of confidentiality. As a part of our concierge service, we provide Concierge Privacy that goes above and beyond the legal requirements to ensure that our time and efforts together remain confidential.

Here’s how we do it:

Beyond Digital Security

Data breaches have become the norm. A simple online search offers a painful reminder of how easy it is to become the victim of digital fraud, hacking, and poor security. Here are some recent examples:

No one is immune from this, no matter how prominent and affluent the person. Your private information should remain private. If companies like Yahoo, First American Financial, Capital One Bank, Target, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Marriott International, Equifax, American Medical Collection Association, and Adobe can’t keep information safe, is it really possible? At Thriving Families, we can confidently say, “Yes!”


The reason digital security is so often compromised is because individuals intent on using and selling private information for criminal purposes can do so remotely and secretly, and there is often very little warning that information has been compromised until it is too late. As long as digital data is in use, individuals will be working to find ways to steal it by overcoming the most current security measures.

Hard-Copy Records

Thriving Families Concierge Services gives you the opportunity to secure your treatment information beyond that which is available digitally by using only hard-copy records. Information that is not stored or transmitted digitally cannot be digitally compromised. And to make sure you don’t have to sacrifice convenience to keep your privacy secure, you have the opportunity to make use of special messenger services available only to Thriving Families Concierge Services clients.


Physical Security

Once Thriving Families Concierge Services receives or creates hard copy records, they are stored in a physical safe in a discreet, private location immediately after clinical use. Only your therapist and the clinical supervisor have access to the records in the safe.

Concealment of Identifying Information

Your name is the most easily-recognized identifying information you have; the public association of your name with an infamous situation or disreputable parties can be the cause of embarrassment, loss, and turmoil, even if you’ve done nothing wrong or the allegations are unfounded.

Thriving Families Concierge Services takes extra steps to reduce the usage of your name. You have the option to request that we use an alias in your working clinical record, while records with your legal name remain permanently under physical security. Your working clinical record will not contain any identification of your legal name; instead initials will be used in clinical notes, and files will be identified by a private alphanumeric code. Therefore, in the unlikely situation that an unauthorized individual is able to access your working records, your identifying information will remain undisclosed.

If your situation requires an even higher level of security we also give you the option to have us make use of an alias and/or security question when we communicate remotely by phone, email, or the postal service. You can request that we contact a representative on your behalf to coordinate any business-related items. Additionally, we will work with you to find a confidential way for you to make payment to us, whether through digital bank transfer, check, credit/debit card, or cash.

Request a Concierge Services Application Packet.

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Concierge Privacy

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